Sunday, November 25, 2012

Watercolor stream experiment

After my first few attempts at watercolor I can most definitely say that I am in love!  This is a beautiful medium, and I am excited about working with it for years and years to come.  I have done relatively few watercolor pieces though, and I feel like I know pretty much nothing about it.

This piece was a practice for me to paint rocks in watercolor.  I used a burnt sienna, raw umber, sap green, and ultramarine blue to paint an undertone of the rocks.  I then took a card and began to scrape out the rock shapes by placing it at a 45 degree angle, and rotating it counterclockwise.  I saw a tutorial of this on youtube and decided to give it a shot.  I was pleasantly surprised by the results, and I feel like I learned a good trick with watercolors.  I think i'm going to try a technique sort of like this to paint grass.  Maybe in another painting.  Anyways thanks for stopping by!  If you have any tips or want to just chat about art feel free to leave a comment or email me at:

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