This is of a Italian balcony watercolor I saw on the internet. I've never done one quite like this so I thought it would be interesting. I used a mixture of deep yellow, burnt siene, cream, black, and french marine blue. I started out by taping the paper down to my board and wetting it. This is called stretching. I then really just sat back and waited for it to dry. When it dried I sketched a quick outline, and then laid a wash of a mixture of deep yellow and cream. I began working in different mixtures of yellow, creme, and burnt sienna to do the outer wall portion. For the window sills and lantern I first laid down some mask for hightlights and to preserve my railings. The bricks are a mixture of blue and black, the window sills deep yellow and burnt sienna. I removed the mask and painted on my railings and there I was. I liked the way this turned out. In retrospect there are a few things I would do differently,but here you are! Now onto the next one.
I have seen portraits kind of like this one, and I really want to do some of Ray Charles and B.B.King. With that being said this is my practice for doing one of them. This painting happened really quick. I stretched my paper the same was before, and then quickly sketched an outline of a face, two eyes, a nose, and lips. I painted the details of the lips, nose and eyes, but everything else is splatter paint mostly. I loaded by brush up with color and splattered it onto the paper, then used a spray bottle to spray it around. I thought the result was interesting, and I'm looking forward to doing a few more like this. I liked the way it turned out. I alway really like using a limited color pallete. just using the primary's makes for an interesting picture.
Well that's it for today! Hope you enjoy them. Like always, email me at if you need to get in touch with me. Talk to you later!
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