Wednesday, June 12, 2013

7 Best Movies that Are About Art(kind of)

I'm trying to branch out and make this blog more than just me posting my art (which is still on here and still for sale.)  Maybe some of you visiting are artists's yourself, or maybe you know me so you visit wondering what in the world I could be writing about.  Well this morning I just wanted to share some thoughts about my 7 favorite movies that are about art in some sense.  My qualifications are that art has to at least play into the storyline.  Just because someone has a nice painting in their house does not qualify it to be on this list.  At least one character needs to revolve around their art.  I'm trying to show you actual popular movies.  There are tons of small indie flicks about artist's that bore me to death.  These are movies that you may have seen, but didn't realize just how much art was actually in them.  If you disagree with this list, that's great!  Maybe there are movies out there I haven't seen.  I'm taking a little bit of a reach today. I haven't posted a blog like this yet.  I just figured "hey, why not".  I love movies and I love art.  Let's see how those too go along with each other.

7.   The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

While not the best movie, I have a soft spot for this Narnia movies.  I'm not sure if it's because it has a dragon in it, or the great theological statement at the end.  I do know that it has something to do though with the entire movie being about a painting though!  I mean here they are just a couple of British kids and all the sudden they are sucked into a painting.  Next thing you know they are going on sea faring adventures, battling dragons, and going to the end of the world.  It shows kids that there is a lot more to paintings than meets the eye.

6. 50 First Dates

I admit, this is not on any greatest movies of all time list.  It's Adam Sandler and maybe I'm the only one who likes it.  Come on though, how could you not fall for its story.  Art passing through all barriers including accident induced 24 hour short term memory loss to bring two people together forever.  That seen where she is in the hospital and has painted the egg head picture of Adam Sandler.  Classic.  That and we get to see Samwise Gamgee eating spam and Reese' cups.

5. Catfish
If you haven't seen this movie, then stop reading this blog and rent it.  I'm not going to offer up any spoilers here because that just ruins the movie.  What I will say is art has a particurly important role to play in this movie.  Grab some popcorn and have fun.

4.  Bean
Bean is in my opinion one of the absolute funniest characters ever created.  His brand of comedy will have my sides killing me by the end.  I have to thank my beautiful fiance and soon to be wife for introducing us.  The beauty of this movie is that he is made to watch over an art gallery.  I'm not sure who thought that was a good idea, but come on now.  This guy, around priceless art.  Maybe that is why its so funny.  You just have to see how this turns out.

3.  Dead Poets Society
  Poetry is art too guys.  Besides, you who didn't cry at the part pictured.  Oh captain my captain.  This is one of my absolute favorite movies.  Fantastic acting, fantastic story, and such a great lesson on the importance of art in our lives.  This movie makes me wish Robin Williams would do more dramatic movie parts.  Between this and Good Will Hunting he has done some mighty fine pictures.

2.  Midnight in Paris
Let me clarify that I am not much of a Woody Allen fan, but I love this movie.  It's funny, but enduring at the same time.  I love how we get to see the main character explore the 20's of Paris.  He meets Picasso, and Hemingway.  Ah, what I would do to have done the same thing.  This is a movie about a young writer who goes to Paris with his fiance on vacation.  He is not crazy about her lifestyle, so while they are out he decides to walk around Paris.  While walking he is dreaming about what Paris must have  been like back in the 20's and he longs to be in this generation.  Next thing he knows, at midnight, he is in a random vehicle and is transported back to the time of his dreams.  He comes in contact with the greatest artists and writers of the day, but learns the importance of living in your own time.  Fantastic movie, and nearly my number one except.......

1. Raiders of the Lost Art

Not about art you say!  Who else would risk life and limb to save valuable sculptures and the art of long past civilizations!  Indiana Jones is one of the greatest lover of arts I have ever seen.  Yeah, he may not have been much of a painter,but the movie teaches us a valuable lesson.  We should do whatever it takes to save the arts, and don't let the Nazi's get anywhere near it!  One of the best films ever made in my opinion. That's just me though.  Agree, disagree with this list?  Let me know in the comments!

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